It was a beautiful perfect day in Los Angeles on the day of the 21st of May. The sun was shining and the wind smelled sweet.
I began my journey on the hunt (and after) a day pass to get me through until tomorrow. Several cash checking places later, I ended up at RiteAid buying makeup and soda..not exactly a bus pass. I walked over to LaBrea where I caught the 704 for one stop, free of charge (thank you kind driver), to Fairfax. No one stuck out in my mind on the ride. I lallygagged around Whole Foods for a while buying cookies and coffees and enjoying all sort of treats. I then headed to the bus stop for the 780 to Pico/Fairfax. I was minding my own when a man on a cell phone approached the seat next to me, he sat down and looked around for a while. Suddenly he made a sharp 90 degree turn towards me and asked "Hello, are you from here?". I was startled by his heavy Russian accent and his abruptness when asking. "No, from New York (forced smile)". He turned again, and remained quiet. 17 seconds later he made another, more forceful turn and asked, "You are Russian?" "About 1/8 or so, yes..My great grandmother was" "Where from in Russia?" "I don't remember......." "From UKRAINE??" ........................... "Uhh...Yes actually. (??)" "What is your name?" "Sophia" "AH, yes Russian name (large grin baring his 3 gold teeth)". All was quiet for a while, as I scratched my head at how Russians ALWAYS manage to sniff out my tiny amount of Russian blood. Silence again until he turned one last time and said, "I'm taxi driver, you know?" "Oh, really? (forced smile)" "Yes. I give you a ride, where are you going? Are you going home? I can ride you there for free?" .................................. "ummm. no thanks. it's alright. i'm going to take the bus, thank you. O_O" "No really, for free" "NO...I'M GOOD ON THE BUS thankyou"
Just then he leaves without saying a word... no goodbyes...not even a glance. I think I'll save being kidnapped for a day less beautiful, it's far too nice to spend it in the trunk of a cab!
Saved by the bus, I boarded and found a comfortable spot to call my own. All was well until the Christian Audigier sandwich board got on and sat right next to me. I had immediate rage towards this man. He was far too mature to not realise how douchey the whole Ed Hardy/Christian Audigier thing looks! He not only had on the God-awful sweatshirt (obviously brand new), the hat, and the jeans, but he had to, just HAD to be carrying a new CA bag in his hands.. Like he went in there wearing all of that to buy another piece of ugly attire.

Now, I'm all about freedom of fashion, and wearing whatever makes you happy. And obviously CA made this guy really REALLY happy..It just makes me sad to see what looked to me like a fine older gentleman in such ugly gross attire trying to be someone he's not. Can't we just burn down the headquarters and take care of the problem?
I saw another woman who looked EXACTLY like a cartoon character. Her face was as funny shaped as her body, and it all looked a bit like a droopy peanut from the Midwest. She made me cough up a combination of a chuckle and some vomit, I'm not really sure why..
The rest of my journey is hazy, although I did meet a nice young man who asked about my tattoo. We discusses Hunter S. Thompson (the inspiration) for a while and then became facebook friends. Oh the wonderful world of technology :) I'm sure I'll never see him again in my life, but at least I'll know that his Grandma in Washington is doing well after her heart surgery and that her Danny loves his gimgims.
...Just kidding, I know nothing about this boy or his gim gim. He might not even have a gim gim for all I know ;)
That being said, I think it's time to end this adventure. Stay tuned next week!
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