I remember nothing of this trip besides the strange foreign noises coming from the driver's mouth, and the roads with names I had never heard in my life. I tried to stay alive by exercising my mind, but found my head bopping off to dreamland instead. I'm lucky I made it out alive, I could be in the back of a truck in Carlsbad by now!!

...Just kidding, the 4 doesn't go that far.
I was going to head back to Hollywood but was made a better offer and found myself traveling westward, only to travel eastward by other means of transportation. I made a quick trip to the market, gathered my goods, and prepared myself for my voyage home.
The next journey on the 4(downtown) was much more colourful than the last. I was still in hair and makeup from the photoshoot and decided it was best to stay concealed beneath my shades to prevent or cut down interaction with society. My several bags of goodies and I squeezed next to an older, more shelterly challenged man with a McDonald's cup in his hand. He smiled and waved and said "HELLO!" to me, which would normally startle me but instead felt inviting. I said hello back and played around with my cell phone, texting back 3 people at once, and mumbling to myself. The man with the golden arched cup asks with complete sincerity, "Did you get MY message??". I was quite sad I hadn't actually, I would have loved to know what he would have texted me. I politely replied no, and he smiled and proceeded to chant a multi-tonal hymn into his cup off to the side, so as not to disturb anyone too much. Wow! I thought, that's exactly what I'm missing in my life! The man AND the cup!! More power to him, I hope to one day have to courage to carry my own singing cup...I have not yet decided which corporation will be so lucky to have the honour of being the chosen one...Only time will tell.
The only other guy I payed attention to doesn't even deserve to be written about... So I wont. Screw you washed up, back alley Fabio with a hankering for young Singapore women!!
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