I've been wondering now for a while about this mysterious red box they keep on the Dash. It's always on the right hand side behind the first row of seats. I have no clue what it's about but I like to imagine a world of possibilities.. Perhaps it's used as an emergency flight control kit, in case a military plane goes down mid ride, and the only way to guide it to safety is to break out the box and ease it down using those strange orange reflector tools inside. Or maybe it's an erector set, in case Los Angeles gets attacked by robots, and the Dash buses have to build themselves into Transformers to fight off evil enemy robot buses. I'm sure the Dash isn't capable of instant transformation, I mean.. It's only 25¢.
There was only one note worthy soul on the bus ride there, and old woman of about 65 years:

Yeah, that's basically it...She looked good.
On the way home I waited alone, next to this small brown patch of liquid

Which I'm pretty sure was alive..Or at least it was talking to me.
There was an old timer with a Santa beard, some Weekend At Bernies shades, and an acid wash jacket rummaging the street for coins who came to wait a little while later, I was just about to give him a quarter when he yelled out: "SUCCESS!" and raised the handful of change in the air. I never have that kind of luck looking for change, unless you count that nickle incident... This guy was the best, at every stop he would sing "FaIrFaX & bEvErLy Is ThE nExT sToPpPpPP", with a huge grin on his face. Now, he just about made my day! I seriously wondered about his life. What was he like when he was younger? Was he a strapping lad? Did he or does he have a special lady? I really wish I could capture certain people and force their life stories out of them sometimes.. Not like I would scare the old man, just kind of jolt him enough to talk ;)
So there you go, just when you think life will be a drag, it kicks golden dirt in your face and makes you spit out smiles.
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